Bodicote Small Pet Hotel

Small and Friendly Boarding Hotel for Rabbits Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Gerbils, and Mice.


Prices shown are per night and payment is required on arrival. 

Please contact us if your pet is not listed below.

A non-refundable £15 deposit per cage/hutch is required, which is offset against your booking.

Your balance is payable by bank transfer (see bank details in section 4 of Terms and Conditions below), card, contactless payment, or cash on arrival.

Other ad hoc Costs/Services are listed in Table 2 below.

Vets charges if required (see section 1 of Terms and Conditions below).   

During the months of October and March we charge an extra £2 per night to cover heating costs.

We are closed between the 1st November and 28/29 February inclusive.

*Please note that two pets from the same family staying in separate cages are classed as two single pets for pricing

Table 1

Single Pet (Per Night)*

Two Sharing (Per Night)

Three Sharing (Per Night)





Guinea Pig and Rat















Table 2

Single Pet

Two Sharing

Three Sharing

Forgotten Food (see Section 2 of Your Stay below)

£1.50 (per night)

£3 (per night)

£4.50 (per night)

Your Stay & Opening Hours


Opening Hours are by appointment only.

March to October:

Monday – Friday: 09.00 to 17.00

Saturday: 10.00 to 17.00

Sunday and Bank Holidays: 10.00 to 17.00

We are closed between the 1st November and 28/29th February inclusive.

1.0 Accommodation

For Rabbits and Guinea Pigs we provide 4ft and 5ft hutches, medium to extra-large indoor and outdoor runs, wood shavings and/or straw for bedding, hay, fresh food, water bottles, food bowls and some toys.

The Hotel is heated in the winter months that we are open to ensure your pets are kept safe and comfy.

For Hamsters, Gerbils, Rats and Mice we will use their own clean cage provided by you.

Whilst your pet is in our care it will be fed a variety of fresh food by us, as well as it’s own regular dried food provided by you.  Hay will always be provided where appropriate.

Pets will not mix with other boarders, and they will be checked regularly throughout the day.  Outdoor runs will only be used with your prior permission.

2.0 What to Provide When Your Pet Is Boarding With Us

Rabbits and Guinea Pigs – Travel Carrier/Box, Usual dry food, and details of their usual Vet.

Rabbits Only - Vaccination Certificate.

Hamsters, Gerbils, and Mice – Their own clean cage, details of their Vet, and usual food, (exercise ball & other toys optional).

All Pets - If you forget your pet’s usual food we charge £1.50 per day, per pet, to supply.


If your Guinea Pig, Hamster, Gerbil, or Mouse has not been registered with a vet we will use our own vets, if required.  Rabbits must be registered with your vet.


3.0 Arrivals and Departures

We are based in Bodicote, near Banbury.  Our full address will be given following a confirmed booking.  Please see map below to show areas within a 5 mile radius for your information.

Terms and Conditions

1.0 The Health of Your Pet

If your pet shows signs of disease or illness we will reserve the right not to accept your pet for boarding.  Any medical conditions must be discussed with us prior to boarding.

For Rabbits only we must see vaccination certificates showing up to date vaccinations against RHD, Myxomatosis, and RHD2.  Please note we CAN NOT accept rabbits who have not been vaccinated.

We also recommend that rabbit owners treat their pets against E. Cuniculi, although this is not mandatory.  Please speak to your own vet for more information.

We will not be held responsible for any illnesses such as (but not limited to) Myxomatosis, Rabbit Haemorrhage Disease, Rabbit Haemorrhage Disease 2, E. Cuniculi, fly strike, mites or any other diseases.

We will carry out frequent bottom checks to ensure that all rabbits are kept clean however we will not be held liable in the unfortunate event that you rabbit comes a victim of fly strike.

Should your pet become ill whilst boarding with us, we will seek veterinary advice and keep you informed.  Any Veterinary fees which we incur on your behalf will be payable by you on your return.

In the unlikely event of a death occurring whist your pet is boarding with us, we will notify you as soon as possible so that we can arrange for your final wishes.  We accept no liability in the unlikely event that your pet becomes ill or passes away whilst boarding with us.  All pets are left at their owner’s risk.

We do not tolerate any abusive behaviour towards our staff and in doing so may result in a ban from our hotel and legal action being taken against you.


2.0 Privacy Policy

The Bodicote Small Pet Hotel takes your privacy seriously and we will use your personal information in connection with your pet booking with us.

We will not use any information or photos for marketing without your expressed prior permission.

We may have to share your information with your local vet should your pet become ill whilst boarding with us.

We will not disclose your information to any other company unless required by law to do so.

We are registered, as required by law, with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Information is not kept for longer than is reasonably necessary to retain for future bookings.

What we use your information for:

We use your personal basic information to create a customer profile in order to create a booking for your pet(s) to stay with us.  No other personal data will be collected.

We will only use data that you have consented to give to us for the purpose and contract of booking your pet’s stay and providing our service.  This information processing is necessary for us to comply with the law.

You have the right to:

You can see any information we hold on you by requesting it from Dawn Wilson-Fry, the owner of Bodicote Small Pet Hotel.  If you believe any information to be incorrect you can request to have it corrected and possibly deleted.  Providing you with this information is free of charge.

Consent may be withdrawn at any time and this means that we cannot process your data provided.  Unless you resubmit your consent we would not be able to board your pet in the future.

3.0 Complaints

If you wish to raise a complaint about how we have handled your personal data, or any other complaint, please contact Dawn Wilson-Fry at, who will investigate the matter further.

If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your data not in accordance with the law you can complain to the ICO.


4.0 Initial Enquiries and Booking With Us

All enquiries should be sent to


For Bookings (for both new and existing customers to ensure we have up to date information) please click on the Booking Form on the home page and complete all the relevant fields before submitting. 

Let us know your preferred drop off and pick up dates and times (if known at this stage).  We will then get back to you by email to confirm your boarding dates are available. 

Once we have confirmed your dates are available we ask you to secure your booking by transferring at £15 deposit (per hutch/cage) to our business account detailed below:

Account Name: Dawn Wilson-Fry/Bodicote Small Pet Hotel

Account Number: 27701679

Sort Code: 60-83-71

We will confirm your secured booking once your deposit has been received.


We may also contact you by email or phone for any additional queries/information required.

Contact Details:

Telephone Number: 07896 858501 (Please see opening hours below)

Email Address:


5.0 Insurance

 Bodicote Small Pet Hotel is insured by Pet Plan Sanctuary 

Hi, I'm Dawn and I am the owner of Bodicote Small Pet Hotel.  I love all animals and have owned my own since I was a child, ranging from hamsters to horses and many inbetween.  

The love an animal can give is so rewarding and so having the chance to look after so many is a real privilege and in return I put my all into making sure they are happy, comfy and safe.

I currently have 4 of my own guinea pigs called Velma, Daphne, Scooby and Shaggy, as well as a very friendly labradoodle called Maggie.  

Contact Details:

Telephone Number: 07896 858501 (Please see opening hours above)

Email Address:

For New and Existing Customers (to ensure we have up to date information) please click on the Booking Form button below and complete all the relevant fields before submitting.